Workplace issues
Route adjustments
The 2018 NALC Guide to Route Inspections
The 2018 NALC Guide to Route Inspections (PDF, 7.5MB) was created to assist shop stewards and branch officers in identifying contractual violations that take place during management’s unilateral six-day route counts and inspections/adjustments, and with filing successful grievances on those violations.
The sections in this guide take you through the inspection in chronological order and provide an easy reference to various provisions and related national settlements that govern route inspections.
There is also a section with detailed descriptions and advice on how to read the various forms, reports and screens used during the route count and inspection process. Once you learn how to read one of our examples, you will be able to understand every one of the same type of form, report, or screen you will ever see.
Note: This is a large file that could take some time to download. Please be patient.
NALC Route Protection Program
NALC Route Protection Program is a comprehensive educational publication explaining route examinations, route adjustments and "minor route adjustments."
- Chapter One, Route Examination and the Letter Carrier is intended for letter carriers whose routes are scheduled for a formal six-day count and inspection. It contains instructions on filling out the Form 1838-C Worksheet during the week of inspection, a brief outline of how management evaluates and adjusts routes, and advice on how to ensure that the results of the evaluation and adjustment are fair and accurate. Chapter 1 (pdf, 3.71 MB)
- Chapter Two, Route Examination and Adjustment for NALC Representatives provides in-depth information focusing on the adjustment process, and is intended primarily for NALC representatives who will assist and advise carriers through the inspection process. Chapter 2 (pdf, 1.81 MB)
- Chapter Three, The Minor Route Adjustment Process describes management's use and misuse of the minor adjustment provisions in Section 141 of the M-39 Handbook. Chapter 3 (pdf, 614 KB)
The NALC Route Inspection Pocket Handbook (Updated 2018) This pocket-sized booklet was created to be used by letter carriers as a quick and convenient reference during the week of route count and inspection. This valuable resource is available to NALC members through each NBA office and through the NALC Supply Department. The handbook is intended for members only and is not available online.
Letter Carrier’s Daily Log
At the 2010 National Convention in Anaheim, it was suggested that a daily log be created for letter carriers to use. Previously, the Workhour Workload Report (All Routes) was posted daily under the JARAP 2011 agreement. This report allowed the letter carrier to verify information recorded by management.
After the JARAP 2011 agreement expired, the Letter Carrier's Daily Log (PDF) was created. This form has places to record information such as clock rings, mail volume, auxiliary assistance and other daily information letter carriers have an interest in keeping. The form may be printed out, or information may be typed directly into the form so it can be saved electronically.
A Guide for Using COR
This guide (M-01766) was created to take the mystery out of the workings of Carrier Optimal Routing (COR) when it is used to generate route adjustments. NALC representatives are encouraged to read this guide in advance of any proposed COR adjustments.