Union administration


Nicole Rhine

Nicole Rhine


Nicole R. Rhine was reelected secretary-treasurer by mail balloting of NALC members in 2022. Full bio

The secretary-treasurer keeps the records and accounts of the union and assists branch leaders with complying with their responsibilities.

The information on this page is designed to help local branch officers fulfill their duties.

Holding NALC branch office involves serious financial and administrative responsibilities and duties

Local NALC secretary-treasurers comprise the union’s administrative backbone. For them, doing the job right is absolutely essential—not only because of the legal requirements concerning accounting, taxes and reporting, but also because they maintain the NALC’s integrity and financial health.

NALC calls upon local secretary-treasurers to do a host of difficult tasks, none of which are learned on the letter carrier’s job. Local secretary-treasurers need to keep financial books, produce financial statements, keep the financial and other branch records in order, file detailed reports with the Labor Department and Internal Revenue Service, and make sure everything they do is timely, well-organized and 100 percent accurate.

Along with secretary-treasurers, all local branch officers take their financial and administrative responsibilities very seriously. They are on the front line, representing members interests before USPS management; they take care of branch administrative and financial business; they lead branch members in a myriad of community service projects; and they organize new letter carriers even as they motivate current active carrier members and retirees to participate in branch activities.

Hot topics and quick links

Installing internal controls for branch finances

Changes of officers

Changes of address

Transfer membership from one branch to another after retirement

Branch bylaw changes

Dues changes

Branches can suspend dues for members called to active duty

Application and instructions for branch mergers

Guide to conducting audits in small unions