Contact Us

Contact Us

National Association of Letter Carriers
100 Indiana Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001-2144

If you are an NALC member, how you contact NALC depends on your needs:

Frequently dialed phone numbers:

NALC Headquarters switchboard
Address changes, dues questions
Membership, 202-662-2836
Health Benefit Plan
20547 Waverly Court, Ashburn, VA 20149-0001
Weekdays: 202-393-4695, ext. 877
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to noon & 2 to 4 p.m. Eastern: 800-424-5186
Mutual Benefit Association (MBA)
Weekdays: 202-638-4318
Tuesday and Thursday: 800-424-5184

Media contact, public relations
Please click here.

Government affairs

Merchandise and publications
Supply Department, 202-393-4695, ext. 874

Use this map to locate the mailing address of your local NALC branch as well as contact information for your region’s national business agent.