News & information

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The Postal Record

Published monthly since 1888—before the NALC was founded—The Postal Record is received by every member of the NALC. The magazine presents the union's agenda on political, legislative, labor and workplace issues. It also explains how members can help make their union stronger, their Postal Service better and their country more responsive to the needs of working people.

NALC Bulletin

The NALC Bulletin provides the latest information on the status of key legislation, major arbitration decisions and special activities of the union. The Bulletin is published as needed. Approximately 13,000 copies of the Bulletin are mailed to branch officials and shop stewards for posting on NALC bulletin boards at postal stations.

  • Click here to read the current issue of the NALC Bulletin and to access past issues.

Pay table, COLA info and annuity projections

Click here for more information. 


t   ·   Tweets

After 36 years of delivering mail to 400 families in the 94708 ZIP Code, Greater East Bay, CA Branch 1111 letter carrier Angel Pagan has retired. Check out his story, and learn more about what has made Angel such a treasured member of his community:

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