Community service
Letter Carrier Heroes
Nominate a Hero
Click here to download NALC's Hero Nomination Form.
Please type your information into the form, save it, then either email it to or print it out and mail it to:
Letter Carrier Heroes
National Association of Letter Carriers
100 Indiana Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20001-2144
Letter Carrier Heroes of the Year
Letter carriers are in the communities they serve every day and often are the first to notice when something is wrong. They smell smoke, hear someone calling for help or notice something that just doesn’t seem right. Often, they are the first to respond and lend a helping hand.
Each year, NALC highlights the special acts of courage and compassion performed by letter carriers who improve—or save— lives along their routes, by recognizing some of them as NALC’s Heroes of the Year.
A panel of independent judges gathers annually to review stories of heroism and community service published over the course of a year in The Postal Record to determine the winners.
“We are immensely proud of what the heroes being recognized did,” NALC President Brian L. Renfroe said. “They represent our country’s best in public service. They truly are our heroes.”
This year's heroes, listed below, will be honored at a ceremony in the spring. The booklet about this year's heroes is available here.