News & information
The ballots for the election of national officers for NALC have been mailed.
The National Election Committee, appointed at the Chicago National Convention to conduct the election, reviewed and approved all nominating forms and created the ballot for mailing. Official election instructions are included with all ballots mailed to eligible NALC members.
To be eligible to vote, a person must be a regular member of NALC and in good standing as of June 1, 2022. National business agents (NBAs) will be elected by the members in their respective regions.
If you are eligible to vote and do not receive a ballot by Friday, Oct. 7, or if you have spoiled your ballot or need another ballot for any reason, you must notify a branch officer to request a duplicate ballot. When making this request, you should provide the branch officer with your name and current mailing address. Branch officers are instructed to immediately contact NALC at 202-393-4695 to request a duplicate, replacement ballot.
The deadline for branch officers to contact NALC is 4 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesday, Oct. 11.
Ballots must be received by 4 p.m. Central time on Friday, Oct. 21, to be counted. The counting of ballots will begin on Oct. 22.