News & information

Virtual training on preparing an LM-2 announced

NALC Secretary-Treasurer Nicole Rhine has announced that training on preparing an LM-2 will be held virtually on March 10.

Branch presidents may begin registering branch officers for the training through the branch president’s Members Only portal. The registration directions are below.

This session covers completing the annual LM-2, a lengthy report that is required to be filed by branches with total annual receipts of more than $250,000.

The class will begin at noon Eastern time and will be four and a half hours long.


NALC has developed the ability to create a registration and training gateway through the Members Only portal on the NALC website.


Once a meeting has been scheduled through the Members Only portal, branch presidents will need to register their members in order for them to attend. To access the registration option, branch presidents can go to the NALC website at and log in to the Members Only portal. Once logged in to the Members Only portal, click the “Meetings Registration” button, which will display a list of upcoming meetings. From there, presidents can register a member(s) by entering their last name in the “Search” box and selecting the correct member from the drop-down list. A member can also be removed from the “Registry” list by checking the box under the “delete” column next to the corresponding member. Branch presidents will not be able to register more than the maximum number of attendees per branch or exceed the maximum number of attendees for that session. The maximum number of registrants per branch and for the session, as well as the registered-to-date counts, are displayed on the registration screen.

Training materials

Training materials and other pertinent information may be supplied for each session in the form of PDFs. These documents will be available to registrants in their Members Only portal. The documents can be printed, copied and/or saved.

Accessing meeting information and/or joining the meeting

When a registered member wants to access training materials, view topics or join a meeting, they can go to the NALC website at and log on to the Members Only portal. Once logged in to the portal, the member will press the “Meetings” button, which will display a list of those meetings the member is registered to attend. For each meeting, there will be three buttons: the “Documents” button will give the member access to the training materials; the “Topics” button will give the member access to a list of topics (if any); and the “Join” button. The “Join” button will appear 10 minutes prior to the start time on the day of the meeting. If you log into the Members Only portal sooner than 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting, you will need to exit to the home page and re-enter to access the “Join” button. Once you select the “Join” button, you will be taken to a Webex pop-up titled “Starting your meeting…” Scroll down to select “Join from your browser.” When joining, the member will be prompted to enter their name and email address in order to attend the meeting. Proceed by selecting the “next” button followed by the “Join Meeting” button.