News & information
The Postal Service Reform Act (H.R. 3076) is scheduled for a House vote next week. NALC is asking all letter carriers to call their House representative and urge him/her to support postal workers by voting “yes” on this important bipartisan bill.
Take action
Call 202-224-3121 and ask your House representative to vote “YES” on H.R. 3076 when it comes to the floor next week.
Information on H.R. 3076
H.R. 3076 is a bipartisan bill that will bring financial stability to the Postal Service. It includes key provisions for letter carriers, including eliminating the mandate that requires the Postal Service to pre-fund its retiree health care benefits decades in advance and codifying six-day mail delivery. It also integrates postal employees and retirees into Medicare.
- NALC Postal Service Reform Act fact sheet
- Updated explanation of the Medicare and health care provisions of H.R. 3076/S. 1720
- Postal unions letter to House members supporting H.R. 3076