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By joint agreement (M-01969), several COVID-19 related memorandums of understanding have been further extended through Feb. 11, 2022. These memoranda include: temporary expanded sick leave for dependent care (M-01910); temporary use of the 7:01 rule (M-01913); temporary workplace changes to promote social distancing (M-01915); temporary use of TCAs (M-01916); and reinstatement of temporary additional paid leave for CCAs (M-01965).
NALC and the Postal Service also agreed to another temporary time limit extension on Step B and arbitration appeals (M-01970), and an agreement giving local parties the ability to mutually develop a sign-up process for full-time employees who previously did not, or could not, place their names on either the overtime desired list or work assignment list (M-01971). Both of these agreements will expire on Feb. 11, 2022.
Also extended through Feb. 11, 2022, is a USPS memorandum (M-01914) which instructs managers and supervisors to allow liberal changes of schedule to accommodate employees who are dealing with childcare issues related to the pandemic. The memorandum also provides for liberal sick leave usage for employees who are sick and liberal annual and leave without pay (LWOP) to the extent operationally feasible, treats COVID-19 related leave as scheduled (as opposed to unscheduled) leave, and directs that leave taken for COVID-19 related reasons during this time may not be cited in discipline for failing to maintain an assigned schedule.
Each of the MOUs and the USPS directive can be found in NALC’s Materials Reference System on the NALC website.