News & information

NALC Shop Steward's Guide updated

The NALC Shop Steward’s Guide along with many Grievance Starters are now available on the members only portal. The NALC Shop Steward’s Guide is written for every NALC member who handles grievances at the Informal Step A and/or Formal Step A of the grievance procedure.

Any other versions of the Shop Stewards Guide or Toolkit are obsolete and will no longer be available. The guide will only be available through the members only portal. This will allow NALC to update the guide in real time and ensure all stewards, activists and members have access.

To access the guide, from the NALC website log on to the “MEMBERS ONLY” portal, and click the “MEMBERS  DOCUMENTS” button where you will find the Shop Steward’s Guide and the available Grievance Starters in a drop down menu.