News & information
NALC is deeply saddened to learn of the recent passing of these members who died from COVID-19, on-duty incidents and off-duty incidents.
Angelo Mangano died on Nov. 1 at the age of 81. He was a member of NALC for nearly 60 years and previously served as the president of Brooklyn, NY Branch 41. He is survived by his wife Fran and his daughters Michele and Marlana. He was preceded in death by his son Frank.
Marilyn Ray died on Oct. 13 at the age of 58. Marilyn was a letter carrier for 35 years and served NALC in several positions, including as a shop steward, trustee and district chair. She was the current vice president of Miami, FL Branch 1071 and had previously served as the branch’s secretary for several years.
COVID-19 deaths
David Dominguez died on Aug. 21 at the age of 48. He had been a letter carrier since 2003 and was a member of El Paso, Branch 505. David is survived by his wife Mairsela, his children Cynthia, David and Angel, and three grandchildren.
Joseph Gutierrez died on Oct. 14 at the age of 43. He served four years in the Marines before beginning his career as a letter carrier in 2004. He was a member of Albuquerque, NM Branch 504. Joseph is survived by his wife Amandah, his children Jazmin and Jackson, his stepchildren Joe and Samantha, and two grandchildren.
Armando Trevino died on Oct. 10 at the age of 52. He served in the Army before becoming a letter carrier in 1997. He was a member of Alamo, TX Branch 421. He is survived by his wife, two children and four grandchildren.
Roscoe Hopwood died on June 28 at the age of 78. He was a gold card member of Houston, TX Branch 283. He was an NALC member for nearly 60 years.
Issau “Ike” Pierson died on Oct. 15. Ike served in the Air Force and was a new letter carrier beginning in 2021. He was a member of Panama City, FL Branch 3367. Ike is survived by his mother Marissa, his stepfathers Rudolph and Jimmy and five brothers.
Robert Herne died on Nov. 16. He was 57. Robert was a member of Scranton, PA Branch 17 and worked at the Dunmore Post Office where he carried the mail since 2014. He is survived by his two daughters Christina and Stephanie.
Hector Gonzalez died on Nov. 24 at the age of 44. He was a letter carrier for 9 years and was a member of Garden Grove, CA Branch 1100. He is survived by his wife and two children.
Lee Coleman died on Nov. 4. He was a retired member of the Army. Lee started carrying the mail in 1995 and was a member of Denver, CO Branch 47. He is survived by his wife Becky, his children Adam and Hanna, and four grandchildren. He was 62.
Off-duty deaths
Jamie Marple tragically died in a car accident on Oct. 26. She had been carrying the mail since 2016 and was a member of Columbus, OH Branch 78. She is survived by her husband Scott and her two children Brandon and Kyle. She was 45.
On-duty deaths
Shawn Nix died on Oct. 29 after he was struck by a vehicle while delivering on foot. Shawn was a letter carrier for 27 years and was a member of South Suburban, IL Branch 4016. He was 61.
Mike Blanton died on Nov. 2 after a box truck collided with his postal vehicle. He was a member of Phoenix, AZ Branch 576 and carried the mail for 26 years. He is survived by his wife Andi and his children Jordan and Cody. He was 59.
Lou Ann Williams died on Dec. 2 after a vehicle accident in her postal vehicle. She was a new letter carrier who started the job in May 2021 and was a member of Winnsboro, SC Branch 2745. She was 33.
Jeff Dennis died on Nov. 18 after suffering a heart attack while on the job. Jeff had been a letter carrier for six years and was a member of Lansing, MI Branch 122. He is survived by his wife Marjorie, his children Anna and Alex and three grandchildren. He was 58.
“NALC mourns the loss of these brothers and sisters,” NALC President Fredric Rolando said. “We send our condolences and deepest sympathies to the friends, families and colleagues of the carriers we have lost.”