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Letter carriers recognized as 2016 Heroes of the Year

Letter carriers who rescued residents from burning homes, saved a young boy who had darted onto a busy highway and stopped an assault and robbery targeting several women will be honored on Sept. 21 in Washington, DC.

Other carriers also are being recognized as heroes—for having brightened the lives of children with disabilities, rescued a girl from a vicious dog attack or provided help to families struggling with substance abuse.

The honorees represent thousands of letter carriers who not only deliver the mail to 155 million households and businesses across the country six or even seven days a week, but often assist in situations involving car crashes, fires, crimes or health crises or otherwise improve the quality of life in the communities they serve.

The National Association of Letter Carriers Heroes of the Year will be honored by NALC President Fredric Rolando at a special luncheon at noon on Wed., Sept. 21 at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, 400 New Jersey Ave. NW, Washington, DC. Go to for further information on the Heroes.