Community service
NALC Veterans Group

Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces comprise almost a quarter of NALC's membership. These veterans traded their military uniforms for letter carrier uniforms, and they continue to serve their communities and this great nation.
NALC Veterans Group
Oftentimes, gratitude is expressed in words such as “thank you,” but it’s rarely followed up with any tangible expressions. The creation of the NALC Veterans Group is intended to be something tangible and useful.
The NALC Veterans Group is designed to provide NALC members who are military veterans access to the information and tools specific to veterans’ rights and benefits within the U.S Postal Service. It seeks to provide all NALC members who are also military veterans—active full-time and part-time letter carriers, as well as retired letter carriers—resources, rights information and a sense of camaraderie.
The Veterans Group will provide the ability to connect with fellow NALC veterans and stay informed on issues of importance to letter carrier veterans. Members receive a pin as a symbol of gratitude for your military service and membership in the NALC.
If you are interested in joining the group, please click here to send an email. Alternatively you may complete the sign-up card included in each issue of The Postal Record and return it to: NALC Veterans Group, National Association of Letter Carriers, 100 Indiana Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20001-2144.
You may also click here to download a version of the card that allows you to type in your information and then print and mail, or (if you have trouble with the previous card) click here to download a version of the card you can print, fill out by hand and mail.
Please contact with any additional questions or concerns.
NALC Veterans Group Projects
A note about web links on this page: Some links may take you to pages not owned or managed by the National Association of Letter Carriers. NALC does not necessarily endorse any products or services that may be advertised or available on such websites, nor does NALC control the opinions or information presented there. In leaving NALC’s website, you will be subject to the privacy, accessibility, copywriting and other policies and rules that apply to those websites.
NALC Veterans Guide
The NALC Veterans Group was created in 2015 to provide access to information and tools specific to veterans’ rights and benefits within the Postal Service. It seeks to provide all NALC military veterans—active as well as retired letter carriers—with resources, information and a sense of camaraderie.
As part of that goal, NALC also developed this Veterans Guide as a quick reference for valuable information relating to military service and the Postal Service.
This guide contains various topics of interest to veterans, including the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), Wounded Warriors Leave (WWL), the Veterans’ Preference Act of 1944 and retirement credit for military service. The guide also discusses several National Agreement provisions and Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) that apply specifically to military veterans.
The online version of the Veterans Guide contains links throughout that connect you relevant information. Click here to view the Veterans Guide. Additionally, you can download a pdf of the NALC Veterans Guide here.
For additional useful documents and resources click here.
The NALC Veterans Group is about veterans helping veterans
Although the Veteran’s Administration reports the amount of homeless veterans has decreased since 2011, homelessness continues to affect veterans disproportionately.
- 37,085 veterans were counted as homeless during the last “point in time” count in January 2019.
- About one in ten people experiencing homelessness is a veteran.
- 45% of those homeless veterans were African American or Hispanic despite being 10.4% and 3.4% of the veteran population respectively.
- Nearly 55% of homeless veterans are 62 years of age or older.
- About 1.4 million veterans are at risk of homelessness due to poverty, lack of support networks and dismal living conditions in crowded or substandard housing.
- Hawaii has an estimated homeless population of 6530 people, of which more than 500 are veterans.
PACT Act signed into law
On Aug. 10, President Biden signed the PACT Act of 2022 into law. This historic law is the first to ensure that veterans exposed to toxic exposure fumes from burn pits have access to care and benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This comprehensive law will improve the presumptive process by streamlining access to healthcare benefits for veterans, regardless of their disability status, who served in areas known for toxic exposure. An estimated 3.5 million veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have been exposed to toxic smoke from burn pits, which included the burning of medical and human waste, jet fuel, chemicals, metal, plastics and more.
Thank you for your service
The Postal Record cover story in November 2024.
Court Rules Chronic Pain Is a VA Disability
A recent ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims may have a major effect on the outcome of many veteran's disability claims. On April 3, 2018, the court ruled that pain, without any underlying disability, may be a valid reason for awarding VA compensation benefits. More
Veterans can meet with their providers in virtual medical rooms
Since its launch in August 2017, more than 20,000 Veterans have used VA Video Connect to receive care and currently more than 4,000 VA providers across the country are set up to use the system. More can be found here.
Vets can expedite their disability claim with VA Decision Ready Claims
Considering submitting a claim for an increase in your disability compensation? VA’s new Decision Ready Claims (DRC) program delivers decisions within 30 days. More can be found here.
Veterans Crisis Line
The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. More can be found here.
VA Launches Telehealth Program for Rural Vets with PTSD
With a focus on improving access to mental health care for Veterans living in rural areas, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced it has launched a pilot telehealth program that will give rural Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remote access to psychotherapy and related services. More can be found here.
New Jersey offers veterans special tax programs
New Jersey has released a guide for veterans to find out if they qualify for special tax programs designed to honor our veterans. The guide can be found here.
DoD opens online exchange shopping to veterans
The Defense Department has announced that veterans will now be able to shop online at military exchanges. The policy change extends limited online military exchange shopping privileges to all honorably discharged veterans of the military, DoD officials said in a news release. More information can be found here.
Veterans Benefits Administration Resources
The VBA has published a number of brochures providing information on benefits available to Veterans. The brochures can be found here.