Government affairs

Delivering NALC's Message to Washington

As a federal employee, your career and livelihood are stringently controlled by government policies and legislation.  Members of Congress wield absolute power when it comes collective bargaining rights, worker protections, job security, retirement benefits, and a strong Postal Service that provides quality, universal service to all Americans.

NALC works to educate letter carriers about the candidates and the issues to help ensure that, when we cast votes, we are making informed decisions. And NALC works to educate members of Congress so our message gets delivered to Washington.

Just as your shop steward guides you on the workroom floor, NALC must navigate the political process, working to elect candidates who will protect us and promote our issues.

There are many ways to be a part of the NALC’s network of legislative and political activists. Giving to the Letter Carrier Political Fund is one of the simplest.

These efforts are reinforced by building and using political capital to elect—and re-elect—those who stand by us.

What is the Letter Carrier Political Fund?

The Letter Carrier Political Fund is a non-partisan PAC established for the purpose of electing qualified candidates who support letter carriers, and who are committed to maintaining a strong and innovative Postal Service.

Federal PACs raise and distribute campaign funds to candidates seeking federal office. PACs allow corporations, associations and labor unions to raise money for political purposes by soliciting voluntary contributions from individuals to help advance common policy interests.

PAC money is strictly regulated by the Federal Election Commission. It is used to support endorsed candidates by helping to defray campaign costs.

Why give to the Letter Carrier Political Fund?

Under federal law, labor unions are strictly prohibited from spending dues money on contributions or expenditures in connection with federal elections. So in 1975, the NALC established a PAC to become proactive in the electoral process.

Support for letter carriers and the Postal Service comes from all political parties, so the fund is committed to supporting pro-letter carrier candidates, regardless of their political affiliation.

Every year, our PAC grows and NALC’s voice in Washington gets stronger.

How can I contribute?

Political Fund forms

As a member of the NALC, there are several easy ways to give to the Letter Carrier Political Fund. There are many methods:

  1. Payroll deduction - Contribute automatically, using PostalEase to set up an allotment deduction from your USPS paycheck
  2. Direct bank withdrawal - You can authorize the fund to withdraw a monthly electronic contribution directly from your personal checking account
  3. Annuity deduction - Retired letter carriers can elect to give monthly via an automatic deduction from your monthly annuity.

The forms for contributing are available at the right, or you can use the online form here.


The free NALC apps for smartphones provide convenient access to tools and information about issues affecting active and retired letter carriers. Information on downloading and using the apps is in our apps section.