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House subcommittee holds hearing on USPS election readiness

Today, the House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government held an oversight hearing on the Postal Service’s role and readiness in the upcoming election.

In his opening remarks, Chairman Dave Joyce (R-OH) explained that the goal of the hearing was to reassure Americans that the Postal Service is completely prepared for election season. “Any frustrations with Postal Service leadership should not be perceived to extend to the hardworking Postal Service workers and letter carriers across the country. These individuals work long hours to bring needed deliveries to our neighbors, connect our communities, and ensure the continued flow of commerce,” he said.

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testified at the hearing. In his opening statement, DeJoy referenced the Postal Service’s successful history with mail-in ballots and extensive preparations as reasons the agency was ready for election season.

Six subcommittee members attended the hearing and questioned DeJoy: Chairman Joyce, Reps. Matt Cartwright (D-PA), Ashley Hinson (R-IA), Mark Pocan (D-WI), Jerry Carl (R-AL) and Chuck Edwards (R-NC). Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) submitted an official question for the record.

Questions focused on what measures are being implemented to ensure ballots are safely and securely delivered. In response, DeJoy mentioned the Expanded Election Mail Task Force, which was created at NALC’s request in 2020 and meets year-round to ensure election readiness, and employee training on election mail processes. Some members used their time to discuss unrelated issues, including service or facility concerns in their districts.

Following the hearing, NALC President Brian L. Renfroe issued the following statement:

“All Americans can rest assured that our nation’s letter carriers can—and will—carry out their duties this election with the same integrity, responsibility and dedication to mission they exhibit as they deliver for the American people during election season and every other day.

“They will, in short, do what letter carriers have done ever since the founding of the country, as they fulfill their role enshrined in the Constitution and in the oath they take. To suggest that they would do anything less is to demean America’s postal employees—many of whom, it’s worth noting, are wearing their second uniform in service to this nation.

 “No matter the challenges—inclement weather, natural catastrophe, a pandemic or anything else—we overcome any obstacles and do our job.”

Click here for NALC’s fact sheet on vote by mail.

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