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VER Dispute Appealed to National Arbitration

On October 23, 2009, the National Association of Letter Carriers appealed to National Arbitration the unresolved dispute involving aspects of the 2009 Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) made available to letter carriers.

Specifically, the Postal Service established an Irrevocable Date (June 19, 2009) for eligible employees to decide whether to accept the VER, but has failed to provide mandatory retirement counseling to those who have requested it prior to the irrevocable date. Such counseling is essential for employees to make a fully informed decision whether or not to accept the VER.

Letter carriers who have applied for the VER, requested retirement counseling and were not provided with retirement counseling prior to the irrevocable date should contact their National Business Agent for more information. This would include letter carriers who withdrew their application for the VER because retirement counseling was not provided prior to the irrevocable date.