Government affairs

Legislative Updates

Legislative Update, Nov. 18, 2017

White House nominates 3 for USPS Board of Governors

President Trump has nominated three individuals to the body that oversees and directs the executive management of the Postal Service.

Click here to read more.

Government funding deadline approaches; negotiations underway

With Congress out of session until after Thanksgiving, this leaves just over a week for it to negotiate a funding deal or to pass another temporary funding measure until a long-term deal can be made.

Click here to read more.

House advances 'Tax Cuts and Jobs Act'

The House has approved the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, a bill that cuts taxes by $1.5 trillion—but has serious implications for working families nationwide.

Click here to read more.

House passes anti-labor bill

As written, H.R. 3441 cripples workers’ rights to bargain collectively when workers have joint employers, and it opens a loophole for employers to avoid legal liability for a number of violations.

Click here to read more.

Resolutions update

H.Res. 15 (six-day mail delivery):
—236 co-sponsors
Click here to find out whether your rep is a co-sponsor.


H.Res. 28 (door delivery):
—241 co-sponsors
Click here to find out whether your rep is a co-sponsor.


H.Res. 31 (service standards):
—205 co-sponsors
Click here to find out whether your rep is a co-sponsor.



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2017 election debrief

A year after the Republican Party won the presidency and both chambers of Congress, 2017’s Nov. 7 elections proved to be quite a different night—for Republicans and Democrats.

Click here to read more.

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