News & information
September-October 2022

The Postal Record, Vol. 135, No. 9
Cover story
- A union of essential workers: Day-by-day coverage
News and features
- News from Washington: Biden signs Inflation Reduction Act into law, NALC applauds vehicle funding; House committee advances heat-stress protection for postal workers; President Biden signs PACT Act into law; Bill protecting vote-by-mail, election workers introduced in Senate; Take action on NALC priority legislation
- Sixth contract COLA set at $2,455
- Letter carriers and the mail on social media
- Ballots for NALC national and regional elections to be mailed
- Keeping her hands busy…and clean
- NALC Veterans Group
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
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President’s Message
‘A Union of Essential Workers’ meets in Chicago
News from Washington and COLA
Biden signs Inflation Reduction Act into law, NALC applauds vehicle funding; Sixth contract COLA set at $2,455
Letter carriers and the mail on social media
Traditional news stories and interesting anecdotes that celebrate letter carriers and the mail that have appeared on social media
Veterans Group
Returning to work following military service
Ballots for NALC national and regional elections to be mailed
The Election Committee is preparing to mail out ballots for the election of national officers and national business agents
A Union of Essential Workers
day-by-day accounts of the business conducted during the NALC’s 72nd Biennial Convention
Keeping her hands busy…and clean
An Illinois letter carrier tells us about her hobby of making and donating bars of soap
Executive Vice President
Ongoing efforts to appropriately staff our craft
Vice President
Good, better, best
Additional important reminders
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Branch election campaign fundamentals
Director of City Delivery
MDD timekeeping feature update
Director of Safety and Health
Challenging management’s commitment to safety
Director of Retired Members
Enhanced annuity for FERS retirees who received workers’ compensation
Director of Life Insurance
Short-term disability insurance
Director, Health Benefits
What to consider during Open Season
Contract Talk
Part-time flexible questions and answers
MDA Report
Results from the July Branch Challenge and ‘A Hawaiian Night to Remember’
Community Services
Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive updates
Workers’ Compensation
OWCP Grievance Guide
Monthly CSRS annuity payments
for letter carriers who retire on Dec. 1, 2022
Monthly FERS annuity payments
for letter carriers who retire on Dec. 1, 2022
Letter from the Editor
Convention vignettes