News & information
September 2021

The Postal Record, Vol. 134, No. 9
Cover story
- Remembering Richard Trumka
News and features
- Back pay and COLA update
- News from Washington: Congress expected to continue work on postal reform
- The slow march back to in-person branch meetings
- COVID-19-related MOUs and USPS directive to continue through the end of September
- Letter carrier focus group provides feedback on NGDV
- The king of pop
- What’s happening on social media
- Customer Connect hits $3 billion
- Proud to Serve: Heroic letter carriers
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
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President’s Message
Rest in peace, Brother Rich Trumka
Back pay and COLA update
Most eligible city letter carriers will receive retroactive pay pursuant to the 2019-2023 National Agreement in their Aug. 20 paychecks.
News from Washington
Congress expected to continue work on postal reform & The slow march back to in-person branch meetings
COVID-19-related MOUs and USPS directive to continue through the end of September
In early August, NALC and the Postal Service agreed once again to continue several pandemic-related memorandums of understanding (MOUs).
Letter carrier focus group provides feedback on NGDV
In July, a group of 21 letter carriers selected by NALC traveled to Oshkosh, WI, to review Oshkosh’s design and provide feedback.
Proud to Serve and Customer Connect
Honoring heroic carriers & Customer Connect hits $3 billion
What’s happening on social media
Various news stories and interesting anecdotes that celebrate letter carriers and the mail
The king of pop
A Jersey City, NJ, retiree has started a business making and selling kettle corn.
Executive Vice President
City Delivery and Workplace Improvement Task Force updates
Vice President
2021 JCAM changes, Part 2
Even more important reminders
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Submitting bylaw changes
Director of City Delivery
eBike testing
Director of Safety and Health
September is Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month
Director of Retired Members
Are you on track?
Director of Life Insurance
Retirement Savings Plan settlement options
Director, Health Benefits
Reminders for the upcoming Open Season and other events
Contract Talk
Limited-duty job offers: appropriate or suitable?
Community Services
Why we volunteer
Workers’ Compensation
NALC and OWCP team up to help COVID-19 victims
Monthly CSRS annuity payments
for letter carriers who retire on Dec. 1, 2021
Monthly FERS annuity payments
for letter carriers who retire on Dec. 1, 2021
MDA Report
Mark your calendar for fall MDA events
Veterans Group
Medical appointments for veterans
Letter from the Editor
Engage, smartly