News & information
Sept./Oct. 2016

The Postal Record, Vol. 129, No. 9
Cover story
- Solidarity in Action. Day-by-day summary of NALC’s 70th convention
News and features
- Trump vs. Clinton: Where the candidates stand on letter carrier issues
- NALC launches app for smartphones
- Postal bills await as congressional clock ticks
- Executive Vice President O’Malley retires
- Please donate during the Combined Federal Campaign
- Proud to Serve
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
NALC President’s Message
Your right to vote is sacred; use it on Nov. 8
Solidarity in Action
Coverage of NALC's 70th Biennial National Convention, in Los Angeles Aug. 15-19, 2016.
Trump vs. Clinton: Where the candidates stand on letter carrier issues
Also: NALC working on down-ticket races for candidates who support carriers
NALC launches app for smartphones
Available now in the iPhone App Store and Google Play for Android. Also: Installation instructions for Android and iPhone
Postal bills await as congressional clock ticks
Next steps; Turning up the heat; Third quarter financial figures; Elsewhere in the news media
Executive Vice President O’Malley retires
Also: NALC stands in solidarity with United Mine Workers; Food Drive collections list corrections
Please donate during the Combined Federal Campaign
Also: Lyerly appointed Region 9 RAA
Proud to serve
Featured: NALC members from Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Florida, Nebraska, Minnesota, Connecticut, Kentucky, New Jersey, Massachusetts West Virginia, Texas and California
NALC Vice President
Advice to branches: Start preparing for local negotiations now
NALC Secretary-Treasurer
Change requires LM-3 and LM-4 to be filed electronically
NALC Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
A guide for election season
NALC Director of City Delivery
New delivery vehicle update
NALC Director of Safety and Health
Management hijacked the safety captain program
NALC Director of Retired Members
Some historical highlights of the NALC retiree connection
NALC Director of Life Insurance
Benefits for letter carriers
NALC Director, Health Benefit Plan
Are you ready to start your tobacco-free journey?
NALC Contract Talk
Wounded Warriors leave
NALC Veterans Group
Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act regulations
NALC Compensation Department
Accessing injury compensation files
NALC Director of Education
What it is, what it was, what it shall be
Postal Record editor
Reflections on the convention and our message
Director of Legislative and Political Affairs
We’re keeping one eye on the Hill—you should, too
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Convention update and MDA news
Annuity Estimates: CSRS
Monthly CSRS annuity payments for letter carriers who retire on Jan. 1, 2017
Annuity Estimates: FERS
FERS retirement benefits for letter carriers who retire on Jan. 1, 2017