News & information
October 2015

The Postal Record, Vol. 128, No. 10
Cover story
- Making social media work for letter carriers
News and features
- Carper introduces iPost Act
- Congressional district liaisons making friends in Congress
- True colors: Sioux City, IA’s MDA fundraiser
- OPM announces FEGLI open season for 2016
- New T-shirt supports breast cancer awareness
- Proud to Serve
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
NALC President’s Message
Defending the mailbox from privatization
Making social media work for letter carriers
A look at how @NALC_National has embraced #SocialMedia to help spread the union’s message.
Sen. Carper introduces iPost Act, and more legislative updates
Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE) has introduced the 2015 (iPost) Act, a measure that NALC President Fredric Rolando described as a flawed but reasonable first step in moving toward effective postal reform.
OPM announces FEGLI open season for 2016
In fall of 2016, letter carriers will have their first chance in 11 years to sign up for federal group life insurance without having to undergo a physical exam or major life event.
Making friends in Congress
Congressional district liaisons discuss unique challenges and opportunities in vital roles
True colors
Sioux City, IA’s MDA fundraiser called for everyone to get their ‘cray on’
Proud to serve
Aaron Muller, Freddy Kinhofer, Rene Bazile, Jody Beck, Steve Young, Glenda Mix, Jerry Bolding, Dennis Fisher, Sheri Kennicott, Michael Robinson, David Forstad, Ryan Becker
New T-shirt supports breast cancer awareness
Also, NALC thanks veterans; Received your Green Book?
NALC Executive Vice President
Latest organizing and Customer Connect info
NALC Vice President
Jurisdictional disputes
NALC Secretary-Treasurer
Convention 2016: Convention call, amendments and resolutions info
NALC Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Taking a look at the NALC Constitution, Part 4
NALC Director of City Delivery
NALC Contract Talk
Holiday schedules
NALC Director of Safety and Health
The brutal summer behind us
NALC Director of Retired Members
Obtaining retirement credit for military service—FERS employees
NALC Compensation Department
Good days and bad days—the continuing story of Charlie
NALC Director of Life Insurance
Fall season review
NALC Director, Health Benefit Plan
Dare to compare
NALC Muscular Dystrophy Association Coordinator
Happy retirement to a great friend of letter carriers
NALC Director of Education
More than 225 apply for 2016 Leadership Academy
Letter from the Postal Record editor
Acknowledging your work
City Carrier Wage Schedule
Wage chart effective August 19, 2015.
- Doherty & Donelon scholarships form