News & information
April 2015

The Postal Record, Vol. 128, No. 4
Cover story
- The evolving uniform: How letter carriers have helped decide what we wear
News and features
- Grocery delivery expands to Southern California
- Right to work (for less) and other attacks on the nation’s workers
- NALC activists prepare lobbying agenda for the 114th Congress. Rap sessions, regional and national; Appropriations season begins; Anatomy of a Lobby Day (guest column by Missouri State President Kevin Boyer); congressional receptions
- It’s ‘crunch time’ for the food drive
- Help when you need it most—confidentially
- Regional rap sessions offer training opportunities
- Crossword carrier: Philadelphia letter has created and published more than a dozen crossword puzzles in The New York Times, elsewhere
- Proud to Serve
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
- Make your own letter carrier paper dolls like the ones featured in this month’s cover story.
President’s Message
There is no education in the second kick from a mule
Cover: The evolving uniform
How letter carriers have helped decide what we wear. Also, grocery delivery expands to Southern California
—Make your own letter carrier paper dolls
You can use this template to make your own letter carrier paper dolls like the ones featured in this month’s cover story.
News: Right to work (for less) and other attacks on the nation’s workers
According to the AFL-CIO, 15 states have right-to-work legislation, ballot measures or executive action to contend with.
News: NALC activists prepare a lobbying agenda for the 114th Congress
Also: Rap sessions, regional and national; Appropriations season begins; Legislation update; In the news media; Anatomy of a Lobby Day—or two (guest column by Missouri State President Kevin Boyer); congressional receptions
News: It’s ‘crunch time’ for the food drive
As this Postal Record was prepared, the 23rd annual Letter Carriers’ “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive on Saturday, May 9, was just weeks away.
EAP: Help when you need it most—confidentially
Like everyone else, letter carriers must sometimes confront a personal crisis. So it’s great to know that letter carriers have a place like USPS Employee Assistance Program to go for help.
Regional rap sessions offer training opportunities
NALC members have many training opportunities on letter carrier issues.
Crossword carrier
A Philadelphia letter has created and published more than a dozen crossword puzzles in The New York Times and elsewhere.
Proud to Serve: Honoring heroic carriers
Heroism, like the mail, comes in many packages—think of police officers or firefighters. But for some citizens in need of assistance, their heroes come in the form of concerned letter carriers.
Executive Vice President
Latest updates from the EVP
Vice President
Jurisdictional cases—city/rural disputes
Branch audits: A guide for trustees
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Bylaws and frequently asked questions
Director of City Delivery
Delivery vehicles of the future
Director of Safety and Health
Workers Memorial Day
Director of Retired Members
Thrift Savings Plan—post-retirement withdrawals
Director, Health Benefit Plan
Health Benefit Plan updates
Director of Education
Meet Leadership Academy Class 19
Director of Life Insurance
The Mutual Benefit Association 2014 financial report
Injured and insulted
Contract Talk
Article 41.3—miscellaneous provisions
Partners in progress: MDA and NALC
Letter from the Editor
Continuing to shape public opinion