News & information
June 2014
The Postal Record, Vol. 127, No. 6
Cover story
- 2014 Food Drive: A day of action to help feed America’s hungry
News and features
- House committee abandons one bad postal bill, approves another; ‘Sombrotto Post Office’ a step closer; Unions rally to ‘Stop Staples’
- USPS sees strength in standard mail
- Convention news
- Fast food workers fight for better pay, benefits
- Doherty & Donelon Scholarship awards; USPS changes employee access requirement from PIN to password
- Inside NALC Headquarters: Administrative Assistants
- Proud to Serve
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
President's Message
On Saturday delivery, House leaders are driven by ideology
2014 Food Drive
A day of action to help feed America's hungry
- House Committee abandons one bad postal bill; approves another
- USPS sees strength in standard mail
Outside Philadelphia
NALC 69th Biennial Convention
- Workshops Schedule
- Fast food worker fight for better pay, benefits
- Doherty and Donelon Scholarship Awards
- Inside Headquarters: Administrative Assistants
- Proud to Serve
Executive Vice President
Union solidarity
Vice President
New duties, Part 2—grievance procedure
‘Me first’—that’s not the NALC way!
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Helpful hints for first-time national convention delegates
Director of City Delivery
M-01834 – MOU Re: Full-time Regular Opportunities – City Letter Carrier Craft
Contract Talk
CCA relative standing
Director of Safety and Health
Important safety updates
Director of Retired Members
Get free money
Monthly CSRS annuity payments
for letter carriers who retire on Sept. 1, 2014
FERS retirement benefits
for letter carriers who retire on Sept. 1, 2014
Director of Life Insurance
NALC basic accidental death benefit
Director of Health Benefits
Learn more about the CignaPlus Savings discount dental program
MDA Coordinator
Honor Roll
Director of Education
National convention shop steward training school
Letter from the Editor
Carriers engaged in a common cause
Compensation Department
Form CA-2a, Notice of Recurrence
- Nalcrest Update