News & information
November 2013

The Postal Record, Vol. 126, No. 11
Cover story
- 2013 NALC Heroes of the Year—For heroes, looking out for the community ‘comes with the uniform’
News and features
- Shutdown breakdown—Postal issues struggle for attention amid congressional chaos
- This Open Season, add it up with the NALC Health Benefit Plan
- USPS testing Sunday package delivery
- Hotels for 2014 convention
- Carriers hurt in accidents work on recovery, warn of future injuries
- Practical advice for on-the-job injuries
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
President's Message
The federal shutdown was a crisis of democracy
Shutdown breakdown
Postal issues struggle for attention amid congressional chaos
This Open Season, add it up
Take a look at the numbers, and we think you’ll agree—the NALC Health Benefit Plan offers the best care for the best value for you and for your family’s health care needs.
USPS testing Sunday package delivery
Community and membership outreach; NALC statement on APWU elections; Penalty overtime exclusion
Practical advice for on-the-job injuries
Fortunately, a law exists that protects postal employees who suffer on-the-job injuries by providing certain benefits to them.
Hotels for 2014 convention
NALC has made special arrangements with 23 hotels to accommodate letter carrier delegates attending the 2014 convention in Philadelphia.
2013 Hero of the Year Awards
Looking out for the community comes with the uniform
Carriers hurt in accidents
Work on recovery and warn of future injuries
Executive Vice President
Article 15: Keeping control of the process
Vice President
Business improving
Important updates
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Bylaws: What's missing?
Director of City Delivery
Task force updates
Contract Talk
Minor route adjustments
Director of Safety and Health
Discipline does not work
Director of Retired Members
Retirement toolkit
Monthly CSRS annuity payments
for letter carriers who retire on Feb. 1, 2013
FERS retirement benefits
for letter carrier who retire on Feb. 1 2014
Director of Life Insurance
MBA privacy practices
Director of Health Benefits
2014 HBP highlights
MDA Coordinator
It takes a village
Compensation Department
Schedule awards
Director of Education
The union movement in the movies
Letter from the Editor
What you do is why you're respected