News & information
March 2013

The Postal Record, Vol. 126, No. 3
Cover story
- Rolando to PMG: NALC will fight for Saturday delivery
News and features
- Timely rap session provides answers; raises questions
- PERF: Carriers step up to help Sandy victims
- Food Drive preparations kick into high gear
- Starting from scratch: Legislative lessons help shape our approach with the 113th Congress. Your legislative operation. NALC's Field Plan in action. Feeling déjà vu? A special message from NALC’s director of legislative and political affairs.
- Executive Council meets to discuss arbitration decision
- Carrier appears in Super Bowl ad; Late member’s son thanks NALC
- NALC remembers Sombrotto, strike
- Branches’ MDA efforts start on a roll
- Proud to Serve
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
President's Message
Taking it to the streets - March 24 day of action
PMG announces unlawful end to Saturdays
NALC, many in Congress wonder about Donahoe’s legal authority to end Saturday delivery and vowed to fight the language’s removal in the continuing resolution.
Timely rap session provides answers; raises questions
A crowd of 1,400 NALC members attended the national conference in Las Vegas on Feb. 9
Carriers step up to help Sandy victims
The Postal Employees’ Relief Fund (PERF) provides assistance to postal employees who are victims of natural disasters or fires.
Food Drive preparations kick into high gear
Preparations continue to pick up speed for the 21st annual NALC National Food Drive on Saturday, May 11.
Starting from scratch
Legislative lessons help shape our approach with the 113th Congress
Your legislative operation
President Rolando represents NALC in meetings on Capitol Hill. Behind him are the staff members in the Legislative and Political Affairs Department who work to form a bridge between letter carriers and their government.
NALC's Field Plan in action
Things change fast in Washington. NALC’s legislative and political program changes just as fast to meet these challenges.
Feeling deja vu?
A special message from NALC's director of legislative and political affairs
Carrier appears in Super Bowl ad
Also: Late member’s son thanks NALC.
Executive Council meets
Members of the NALC Executive Council traveled to NALC Headquarters in Washington, DC, on Jan. 22 for discussions on the national arbitration award issued on Jan. 10 that sets the terms for the 2011-2016 National Agreement.
NALC remembers Sombrotto, strike
The 1970 Great Postal Strike was back in the news recently, as the union and the nation mourned the death of NALC President Emeritus Vincent R. Sombrotto.
Branches' MDA efforts start on a roll
NALC branches throughout the country kicked off their year-long efforts to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association by holding bowlathons.
- Proud to Serve
Executive Vice President
Article 15 and time limits
Vice President
Quantify our activities
A better job, a better union - Thanks, Vince
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Seize the moment
Director of City Delivery
Implementation of the Das award begins
Contract Talk
Article 8 and city delivery task forces
Director of Safety and Health
Thank you, President Sombrotto
Director of Retired Members
Can you afford some change?
Monthly CSRS annuity payments
for letter carriers who retire on June 1, 2013
FERS retirement benefits
for letter carriers who retire on June 1, 2013
Letter from the Editor
Together in the foxhole
Director of Life Insurance
Maturity Income - still paying 4.5 percent
Director of Health Benefits
The ACA and you
MDA Coordinator
Transitions: The freedom to choose their path in life
Compensation Department
Decisions, decisions, decisions, Part 7: Reconsiderations
Education Department
Always go to the scene of the crime, continued