News & information
June 2013

The Postal Record, Vol. 126, No. 6
Cover story
- 21st annual Food Drive—Help for the hungry
News and features
- With USPS under scrutiny, Rolando testifies before Issa’s House committee; PMG speaks at the Press Club.
- A look at the letter carrier staff members who work for you at NALC Headquarters
- NALC’s structure designed to help, defend members
- Still a need for your PERF donation
- Leadership Academy grads to take learning to branches
- Stakeholders looked toward the future at third PostalVision 2020 conference
- Doherty & Donelon Scholarship awards; Study shows unions lead to more good jobs
- Persistence can make Customer Connect pay off
- The civilian army fighting to save America's Postal Service
- Proud to Serve
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
President's Message
A crisis of democracy and the 'Board of Vacancies"
With USPS under scrutiny, Rolando testifies before Issa’s House committee
On April 17, NALC President Fredric Rolando testified on Capitol Hill before a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the Postal Service’s financial situation.
HQ: A look at the letter carrier staff members who work for you at NALC Headquarters
A select group of letter carriers work as NALC Headquarters staff, serving their brothers and sisters by using the expert knowledge of carrier issues developed back home.
Help for the hungry
On Saturday, May 11, thousands of NALC members all across America once again took part in our annual Letter Carriers’ Food Drive.
NALC's structure designed to help, defend members
There has been a major influx of new members into the NALC over the past couple of months due to the surge in hiring of city carrier assistants (CCAs). Our message to all carriers and especially to the new CCAs: “You are the union.”
The civilian army fighting to save America's Postal Service
Some everyday people with no official connection to the Postal Service devote their time to encourage Congress to pass postal reform legislation.
Still a need for your PERF donation
Hurricane Sandy left thousands of people homeless. Postal employees facing similar circumstances are fortunate to have the Postal Employees’ Relief Fund (PERF) as another source of help.
Leadership Academy grads to take learning to branches
NALC Director of Life Insurance Myra Warren presided over the graduation ceremony for the 15th Leadership Academy class on May 10.
Stakeholders looked toward the future at third PostalVision 2020 conference
Scores of entrepreneurs, academics, business leaders and government officials, along with NALC President Fredric Rolando, gathered in Washington, DC, for the third annual “PostalVision 2020” conference on the future of the Postal Service.
- Doherty & Donelon Scholarship awards
Persistence can make Customer Connect pay off
Letter carriers boost revenue by promoting USPS products.
Proud to Serve
Honoring heroic letter carriers.
Executive Vice President
Why six-day delivery is so important
Vice President
Lewis and Clark
Branch audits: A guide for trustees
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Branch bylaws: Meetings
Director of City Delivery
New cell phone attachment to scanner
Contract Talk
IMD Wireless-cell phone attachment
Director of Safety and Health
I am a victim of circumstances
Director of Retired Members
A short history of retirement
Monthly CSRS annuity payments
for letter carriers who retire on Sept. 1, 2014
FERS retirement benefits
for letter carriers who retire on Sept. 1, 2014
Director of Life Insurance
MBA policyholder tips
Director of Health Benefits
Let's talk about you
Letter from the Editor
Going the extra mile
MDA Coordinator
Caregivers - heroes among us
Compensation Department
Decisions, decisions, decisions, Part 10: Staying alive on the merits
Director of Education
No CCAs left behind