News & information
October 2012

The Postal Record, Vol. 125, No. 10
Cover story
- As arbitration begins, NALC makes its case
News and features
- Parties stake out their campaign positions on Postal Service, on unions, on health care
- With health care an election issue, we take a look at what’s inside the Affordable Care Act
- Issa goes to Obama for postal reform help
- Know the score: Understanding Congress’ postal reform reluctance
- Social networks help NALC reach beyond membership.
- NALC's Fill the Satchel for MDA event.
- The 2012 Graceful Envelope Contest
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
President's Message
Future of Postal Service rides on this election
NARFE supports six-day delivery
Also: Troops thank NALC members for convention care packages
As arbitration begins, NALC makes its case
Inside a packed Hutchings Hall at NALC Headquarters in Washington, the National Association of Letter Carriers opened interest arbitration proceedings for a new National Agreement with the United States Postal Service on Sept. 6.
Parties stake out their campaign positions
As if to erase any doubt about its hostility to unions and the Postal Service, the Republican Party put on a convention in the last week of August that featured speakers bashing labor and adopted a platform that calls for privatizing the Postal Service.
What's inside the Affordable Care Act?
After the Supreme Court in June rejected a legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—the landmark health care legislation signed by President Barack Obama in 2010—the law is on schedule to take full effect, with most provisions in place by 2014.
Issa goes to Obama for postal reform help
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) sparked concern when he asked President Obama to send to Congress an interim postal reform package for inclusion in the continuing resolution.
Know the score
Understanding Congress’ postal reform reluctance.
Proud to Serve
Honoring heroic letter carriers.
Customer Connect
Celebrating NALC members’ $1 million-plus leads for USPS
Social networks help NALC reach beyond membership
Over the past couple of years, the NALC has slowly and steadily been expanding its presence on the popular Facebook and Twitter online community websites.
Fill the Satchel
The second annual “Fill the Satchel for MDA” event helped add to NALC’s already-impressive fundraising for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Also: Boston moves forward with bioterror preparations.
Graceful Envelope Contest
The 2012 theme, “D-liver D-letter D-sooner D-better,” saluted the nation’s letter carriers.
Executive Vice President
What is needed for our future
Vice President
Improving Customer Connect
NALC convention diversity - the real America
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Tale of a ticket
Director of City Delivery
Help us help you
Contract Talk
How TEs take the exam
Director of Safety and Health
Keeping an eye on each other, continued
Director of Retired Members
Some delays in retirement processing continue
Monthly CSRS annuity payments
for letter carriers who retire on Jan. 1, 2013
FERS retirement benefits
for letter carriers who retire on Jan. 1, 2013
Director of Life Insurance
Director, Health Benefits
Open season
MDA Coordinator
Letter carriers are amazing
Compensation Department
Decisions, decisions, decisions, Part 4: Oral hearings, continued
Director of Education
What a summer!
- Letter from the Editor