News & information
August 2012

The Postal Record, Vol. 125, No. 8
Cover story
- H.R. 2309: Postal reform's dead end
News and features
- USPS-NALC arbitration to begin this month; NRLCA contract, summary of highlights
- Potential VP Ryan represents worst of House Republicans
- Natural disasters highlight need for PERF donations
- Customer Connect: Houston carrier nets big profit for the Postal Service
- Amazing food drive produces amazing results
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
President's Message
Like lambs to the slaughter
H.R. 2309: Postal reform's dead end
Leaders in the House of Representatives seem determined to stick with the one reform bill that would clearly send the U.S. Postal Service down a dead end.
USPS-NALC arbitration to begin this month,
Also: Summary of NRLCA’s contract highlights.
Potential VP Ryan represents worst of House Republicans
Paul Ryan isn’t the best-known candidate for vice president on Mitt Romney’s list, but he may be the most startling.
Natural disasters highlight need for PERF donations
A single disastrous week this summer brought tragedy and hardship to people across the nation—and some new reasons for us to remember fellow postal workers who find themselves in the path of disaster.
Customer Connect
Houston carrier nets big profit for the Postal Service; Carrier recognized for $1 million-plus lead
"Amazing" Food Drive
produces amazing results
Executive Vice President
Looking to the past and to the future
Vice President
Shared sacrifice
Elections have consequences
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Branch bylaws: offices
Director of City Delivery
New deliveries update
Contract Talk
New interpretive dispute on Assignment of City Delivery MOU
Director of Safety and Health
Keeping an eye on each other, continued
Director of Retired Members
Hey! I remember that question - I just can't remember the answer
Monthly CSRS annuity payments
for letter carriers who retire on Nov. 1, 2012
FERS retirement benefits
for letter carriers who retire on Nov. 1, 2012
Director of Life Insurance
MBA Universal Life Plan offers flexibility
Director, Health Benefits
A healthier you
MDA Coordinator
MDA updates
Compensation Department
Decisions, decisions, decisions, Part 3: Oral hearings and review
Director of Education
Leadership Academy deadline is Aug. 31
- Letter from the Editor