News & information
July 2011

The Postal Record, Vol. 124, No. 7
Cover story
- Super Saturday: 2011 NALC Food Drive arrives in the nick of time for victims of natural and economic disasters
News and features
- POST Act flawed fix includes, changes to arbitration and delivery frequency
- NALC reacts to—and rejects—USPS report on PRC advisory opinion
- Rhetoric vs. Reality—debunking media myths about the Postal Service
- Poor economy contributes to USPS' financial state
- New Jersey and Texas activists visit Washington
- Postal Employees' Relief Fund in need of funds to help disaster victims
- Executive Council meets with MDA, pledges support
- From the past to the future on two wheels
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
President's Message
Getting out the truth, promoting the value of USPS
Post Act: Flawed fixes include delivery frequency, arbitration changes
The pros and cons of Senator Carper's postal bill, S. 1010.
Executive council meets with MDA, pledges support
The NALC Executive Council went to MDA headquarters in Tucson to pledge the union’s continued support.
From the past to the future on two wheels
A profile of one of the last remaining letter carriers in the U.S. delivering mail on a bike.
PERF in need of funds to help victims
Postal employees are looking for help from recent natural disasters.
Super Saturday
Carriers’ Food Drive arrives in nick of time for victims of natural and economic disasters.
Executive Vice President
Vice President
Commuting to work
Frequently asked IRS questions
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Delivering the truth
Director of City Delivery
Recipe to pursue fairly adjusted routes
Contract Talk
Volume, office and street time verification for all routes
Director of Safety and Health
Director of Retired Members
Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)
Monthly CSRS annuity payments
for letter carriers who retire on Oct. 1, 2011
FERS retirement benefits
for letter carriers who retire on Oct. 1, 2011
Director of Life Insurance
MBA 2010 financial report
Director of Health Benefits
More about Open Access Plus (OAP)
MDA Coordinator
Saying goodbye to and American Hero
Compensation Department
Health benefit premiums
Director of Education
Lifelong learning
- Doherty & Donelon Scholarship Fund
Letter from the Editor
Dealing with erroneous reports about USPS in the media.