News & information
December 2010

The Postal Record, Vol. 123, No. 11
Cover story
- Heartwarming treats–Delivering for the community
News and features
- Election yields a Congress divided: The outcome was not what we had hoped for, but things could have turned out worse; released carrier's election work pays off
- PMG Potter retires: Deputy appointed successor. Also, FEHBP Open Season closes soon
- NALC and MDA go bowling for dollars: First coverage of the second annual national bowlathon for the Muscular Dystrophy Association
- Save Saturday Delivery update: Despite Election Day setbacks, the NALC's fight continues
- While OPM delays, retirees wait on pensions: Increasing numbers of newly retired letter carriers must wait for finalization of their retirement payments
- 2011 Food Drive preparations begin; national business agent election results; Penalty Overtime Exclusion for 2010
- Proud to Serve: Heroic letter carriers' stories
- A dream interrupted: Joel Hasken dreamed of wearing a letter carrier's uniform
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
President's Message
Winds of change
Heart-warming treats
The following stories provide a few examples of how letter carriers nationwide cared for the people in their workplace and their communities over the past year.
Election yields a Congress divided
Much has been written about November’s mid-term elections, but from NALC's perspective the results can be summed up as follows—highly disappointing, could have been worse, and would have been without labor’s campaign efforts.
PMG Potter ends nine-year tenure
Deputy PMG Donohoe appointed Potter's successor. Also: Open Season to close soon.
Business agent election results
Also: 2011 Food Drive preparations under way; Penalty Overtime Exclusion for 2010.
NALC and MDA go bowling for dollars
Thousands of letter carriers, along with friends and family, filled bowling alleys nationwide on Sunday, Nov. 7 for the second annual NALC bowlathon for MDA.
Glass half-full
Despite setbacks, NALC fights to 'Save Saturday Delivery.'
While OPM delays, retirees wait on pensions
Thousands of federal retirees are waiting six months—some up to a year—to get the full retirement benefits they’ve earned. Among those affected are more than 2,600 members of the National Association of Letter Carriers.
Proud to Serve
Honoring heroic letter carriers.
A dream interrupted
Some kids want to be firemen or policemen. Joel Hasken dreamed of wearing a letter carrier’s uniform.
Executive Vice President
Time to change horses
Vice President
On my desk
Looking for the union label
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
The more things change, the more they stay the same
Director of City Delivery
It's been fun
Contract Talk
Hold-down assignments
Director of Safety and Health
Safety and darkness
Director of Retired Members
Got retirement
Director of Life Insurance
Life insurance: Finding your perfect fit
Director of Health Benefits
HBP news and changes
MDA Coordinator
Thanks for a job well done!
Compensation Department
Time limits for filing a claim
Director of Education
Leura Collins' bad day
Pay period guide for 2011
pay period guide for 2011